Saturday, August 29, 2015

Homemade Pizza

So often when I have company my friends request I make my homemade pizzas. I'd say its one of my specialties. Who doesn't like pizza anyways?! Well I never share my "secret" to how I make my crusts. Well keep reading because I am about to give it away to you. It is such a simple item anyways and only costs 50 cents folks! Great Value Pizza Crust Mix. There you have it. All you have to do is follow the directions. To make two large pizzas I buy 5 crusts and mix them all together. I use my kitchen aid to stir it, but if you don't have one you can mix it up with your hands.
Another thing you need to remember when making homemade pizzas that will help make it taste better is using fresh ingredients. Instead of using chicken out of a bag from the deli section use real chicken. Yes, it is more work to bake it or grill it, but it makes the pizza taste so much better. Tonight I am making chicken alfredo pizza with FRESH spinach and pepperoni and sausage. Here they are ready to go and in the oven. I usually bake 10-15 minutes then rotate. Just check them periodically and when the crust and cheese starts to brown a bit then you are done. =) Enjoy.
Pizza value crust (5)
alfredo sauce
pasta sauce
4 cups of mozzarella
**you can change your toppings out so above are the ingredients I used for these pizzas

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